The Board of Directors and Officers
The Board of Directors
The Blackfoot Little League Baseball Association shall have a Board of Directors which will consist of individuals throughout the community who shall be appointed by a majority vote of the existing members. The board shall consist of, but is not limited to, the following members:
A. President: Is the official spokesperson for the league
Presides at meetings
Assumes responsibility for the operation of the league
Nominates and appoints people to the Board and committees
Oversees that rules and regulations are adhered to
Keeps lists and records of past and present coaches and players
Keeps list of coach and sponsor requests
Ensures all legal and insurance forms are prepared
Assumes responsibility for appropriate use of league funds
Has no voting power, unless to break a tie vote
Serves a term of two years; after which assumes the role of Past-President
Fills all board vacancies and committee positions (subject to approval by the existing board)
B. Past-President: Assists president in presiding in meetings
Trains board members and committees
Helps oversee that rules and regulations are adhered to
Helps with coach, sponsor and player records
Is a member of the All-Star Committee
Serves a two year term to provide assistance and continuity
C. 1st Vice President Presides at meetings in the absence of the President
Prepares to ascend to the position of President
Serves as the All-Star tournament director
Assumes other responsibilities as assigned by the President and the board
Must be voted into position at league General Meeting, by majority vote of at least five general board members
Term is two years
D. 2nd Vice President Presides at meetings in the absence of the President and 1st
Vice President
Prepares to advance to the position of 1st vice president
Serves as the league equipment commissioner
Assumes other responsibilities as assigned by the President and the board
Must be voted into position at league General Meeting, by majority vote of at least five general board members
Term is two years
E. Treasurer Keeps accurate and up-to-date accounting of all league funds
Makes deposits, writes and signs checks with board approval
Reports all financial transactions and balances to the board
Serves a term of two years
Is an appointed position
F. Secretary Takes and records minutes of Board and General Meetings
Contacts all board members for meetings
Maintains board contact list
Maintains media products and medium
Must be voted into position at a league General Meeting, by majority vote of at least five general board members
Term is determined by ballot vote of the general members
G. General Members The board will consist of other members as needed to run
the affairs of the league. Each shall assume responsibility over his or her specific area as assigned and appointed. Each shall serve a term of one year.
1. Division (age group) Commissioners
2. Umpire Commissioner
3. Coach-Pitch Umpire Commissioner
4. Field Commissioner
5. Coach Commissioner (Voted in by all head coaches)