Questions and Answers
If your question is not answered below please feel free to contact any board member and we will work to find you the answer.
Q: What nights are games held?
A: Games are held Monday through Thursday. Although we will be using Fridays and possibly Saturdays for any make up games. There will usually be two games a week, depending on the schedule it could be as little as one and as many as three, but most every week there will be two games a week per team. Games are at 6:15pm.
Q: When does T-Ball play?
A: T-ball will play the whole month of June two nights a week. Games will either be played on a Monday Wednesday, or Tuesday Thursday, depending on what the commissioner decides works best for the community at the beginning of the season. All games will be held at MVMS at 6:15pm.
Q: My players birthday is right after the cut off, will they be able to move up to the next league, and when is the cut off date?
A: Unfortunately not. There are two reasons that they will not be able to move up.
1: If we let one player move up, then we will have to let every player move up.
2: Due to our insurance we have to keep players in the appropriate league and are not allowed to make any exceptions.
B: As of 2020, the cutoff date is August 31. So how ever old your athlete is on that day, is the age group they will play in.
Q: When is the last day for registration?
A: The last day of registration for all leagues other than T-ball is by 11:00am on Fun Day. Any late registrations will be will be put on waiting list to possibly fill a team or replace an injured player if needed. The last day for T-ball registration is May 1. If you missed sign ups you may get a hold of any board member and they will take you registration form done before cut off date.